Dandelion root is something you may see in health food stores as an additive to salads and some juicing or smoothie recipes, but did you know that the holistic Benefits of Dandelion root for Autoimmunity are remarkable?
The truth is dandelion root can be used in a number of ways including as a supplement in your daily diet routine. In fact, it can cover several issues that you are having and take the place of several supplements you may already be using.

Here are just a few of the Benefits of Dandelion for Autoimmunity and how it can help you on your wellness journey.

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Bile Production
Bile production may not sound like a benefit, but the truth is it can be for certain issues and illnesses.
Dandelion root and the increased bile production it causes may boost your immune system by killing and removing toxins from your system. This may also help with individuals who have indigestion, heartburn, or ulcers from a lack of bile production in their systems.
Though this is a benefit of using the dandelion root, starting or continuing with an anti-inflammatory diet like Paleo (or even better – doing an elimination diet like the Autoimmune Protocol to determine your inflammatory triggers) may help keeping your bile levels and production at an optimum level.
Some people with autoimmunity may even choose to go nightshade-free either temporarily or for the long term, with many of these people reporting an improvement in their digestion and inflammation levels.

Liver Assistance (this is the big one)
One of the processes your liver handles is the removal and reduction of free radicals in your system. Dandelion root supplements may work to assist the liver with this task.
It may also help with acetaminophen toxicity levels. This may not sound like a benefit for your system, but consider the amount of acetaminophen you may take during cold and flu season or in allergy medicines during allergy season. The increased levels entering your body can trigger toxicity levels and cause issues in your liver.
During these times of the year where you may find yourself reaching for more over-the-counter medications to ease flu or allergy symptoms, consider adding dandelion root to your supplements, or simply taking the supplement alongside the OTC medication.
Many people with autoimmunity choose natural, non-immune-stimulating remedies during cold and allergy seasons instead of OTC medication. These include cinnamon, ginger, raw local honey, manuka honey, aromatherapy with organic essential oils (like tea tree and rosemary), acerola cherry vitamin C, bone broth, steamy showers, sea salt nasal rinses, and gargling warm sea salt water.
Speak to your well-informed doctor before switching from OTC medications to natural remedies.
Heart Related Issues
If you are concerned about cholesterol, high blood pressure, or related heart issues then dandelion root may be able to help. Studies have shown that the root and its leaves may help work as a diuretic to help with high blood pressure by increasing urination and decreasing water retention in the body.
The root may also help control the levels of cholesterol in your system that may lead to heart disease. This is done by raising the body’s HDL.
Regulating blood pressure is another benefit to your heart related issues that studies have shown dandelion root to aid in.

Benefits of Dandelion for Autoimmunity: 3 Dandelion Root Uses
Now that you’ve learned about some of the different health Benefits of Dandelion Root for Autoimmunity, let’s look at some ways you can incorporate dandelion into your wellness regimen.
Dandelion root may be something you think of as a flower or green that belongs in a salad, but it can be very beneficial to your daily health and supplement routine as well. Dandelion root offers benefits for liver function as well as detoxification of the body.
You can use the root, the leaves, or a mixture of both in a powder or tea form. Liquid forms of the root supplement are also available from most organic and health food stores. I love it in this Starbucks CopyCat Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew.
This makes it ideal for starting off your diet and wellness goals in a positive way. It may also help replace over the counter and chemical colon cleansing options that may leave you feeling worse or having side effects that you don’t want.
Reduces Inflammation
One of the leading ways that people use dandelion root is for inflammation. You can use the root in a tea, as part of juicing, or in a supplement form to potentially help cut down on swelling around joints or in muscles.
This may be an ideal supplement for women who are having cramps or for someone who is experiencing inflammation after increasing their workout routines or taking on more high intensity workouts.
The ideal method of using dandelion root for inflammation may be in pill or capsule form so you can gauge your dosage and increase it or decrease it as needed.
Looking for snacks to keep you on track with your anti-inflammatory diet? You’ll love this post.

UTI Prevention
Urinary tract infections can be painful and can get out of hand easily. In most cases you can tell when a UTI is about to start and help to reduce the symptoms with an over the counter remedy.
If you are having an issue with taking an over the counter remedy, but you don’t want to go with a prescription option due to the chemicals involved you may be able to use dandelion root instead or alongside your regular medication.
Ideally, if you use it for a UTI you should consider taking it with a juice or anti-inflammatory smoothie as well as with a supplement drop or capsule daily. This will increase the amount of dandelion root running through your system and help flush out the toxins causing the UTI.
If you are pregnant and experiencing constipation, or if you have IBS with constipation then you may want to consider taking dandelion root to help flush out your system.
This can be taken in capsule form or as a liquid drop. The benefit of using it in a supplement liquid or capsule form is the same as with inflammation.

Listen to Your Body
There are many other uses that you can explore overtime and after you have discovered which methods work best for you in your daily routine.
Check in with yourself after trying dandelion and see how you feel. A good way to do this is to keep a food journal, tracking your moods and any symptoms that improve or appear after trying any new food or supplement.
You can gauge your dosages, record those dosages, and you can increase or decrease them as needed.
Be sure to check with your doctor before starting any new dietary or supplemental routine.
Have you experienced any Benefits of Dandelion for Autoimmunity?
Do you use dandelion as a tea, green food, or supplement? I’d love to hear about your experience! Tell me in the comments below.

Article sources:
10 Health Benefits of Dandelion