There is no better time than right now to do the AIP, and there is no better way to do it than to have some support.

I see you. The world is a strange place right now and I get that there are a lot of unknowns - like how long all of this will last. 

Here is what I know for sure: You deserve to feel your best every single day of your life. Now is the time to focus on your health as the world has finally slowed down enough to allow us to take a long deep breath and see what’s really important- your health.

You may never have had the time to put your health first before, but now is the time and I am going to help you finally do it. 

Perhaps you have been wanting to try the AIP but you were too scared to start, didn’t have enough time, or never felt like you could fit it into your busy life.

This program is going to give you both the support and the time management techniques that you need to make the AIP doable - no matter what your situation is right now.

This AIP Group Coaching Program can help you. For real.

But it’s not a magic takes your time and dedication to see results.

If you are ready to spend 30 days to get Back-to Basics with the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol and you’re ready to reset the steps you've already taken before for improving your health naturally...

...AND learn some of the aspects that you likely missed before to take yourself to the next level, then read on…

Who is AIP Back to Basics For?

If you have tried to do an AIP reset on your own but had difficulty staying on track...

If you are a beginner to AIP and don’t know where to start...

If you have lingering symptoms and need to do a refresh...

If you have swayed too much from your personalized AIP diet and need someone to help you get back on track...


Psst…a pandemic is not an excuse to fall off the wagon.

This is actually the perfect time to spend cooking in your kitchen or learning how to take back your health...and keep it that way!

This is exactly what I’ll be helping you with in The 30 Day AIP Back to Basics program. Even when things feel upside down, there is a way to bring nourishing foods into your diet and create better health habits for yourself.

Your future self will be thanking you for the decisions you made to take care of your health right now.

I found out it was actually easy to follow the AIP as the steps were all there for us; from the meal planning, to the grocery lists, to the pictures of the meals, the support and the strength we needed with these uncertain times AND I started to feel a lot better too.
I lost weight and I was less tired throughout the day, I felt happier and healthier and that’s not even the best part. The biggest improvement was my joints. I could actually run up the stairs with no joint pain. That is absolutely amazing because I thought I would have to live with joint pain for the rest of my life because of my age. So grateful!!!

-Barb C.

What is the AIP?

I personally like to think of the AIP as a stricter version of the Paleo diet for those of us that need a little fine tuning.

So if you have tried a Paleo diet like me or went gluten and dairy free but still experienced autoimmune symptoms, then the AIP diet is for you!

The AIP can be used as a tool to help you target and manage your symptoms.

What's in on the AIP?



Pastured or Wild-Caught Animal Proteins

Bone Broth

Herbs and Some Spices

Healthy Fats

Fermented Foods

What's out for now?


Gluten & Grains



Nuts & Seeds




Processed Foods & Additives

Industrial Vegetable Oils

Refined Sugar & Sugar Substitutes

The time and money was so worth it! I have been following AIP for almost 2 ½ years. I have completed Dr. Sarah Ballantyne’s AIP Lecture Series, so I am not exactly “new” to AIP … and I am still walking away with SO MANY practical tips so that I can get the most out of my AIP journey!
Meagen was so helpful and knowledgeable, going above and beyond with education, support and encouragement!!
– Beth Russ

What you'll get from this Group Program:

First of all, this isn’t like any other AIP book or program you've tried.  There’s no fuss or muss – just proven approaches that actually work.

This nutrition coaching program is easy to navigate because I will be RIGHT BY YOUR SIDE during our weekly group sessions to help you gain a deeper understanding of getting back to basics with AIP while simultaneously implementing the changes into your life in an easy time saving manner.

PLUS the SUPPORT you will find from peers like you who are on the same path to full health is truly invaluable. You never have to do this alone!

You’ll also get DOWNLOADABLE and PRINTABLE meal plans, grocery lists, and journals to make it all easy to apply to you and YOUR unique journey.

And it’s about MORE than just the food on the Autoimmune Protocol. It's also about:


Stress Management


& Movement

In just 30 days, most of my digestive issues have resolved, my energy has improved and the brain fog has diminished. I feel great!

This comes with WAY more than your average AIP "diet" program.

30-Day AIP Back-to-Basics helps you to…

Get back in tune with your body.

Reset your diet with the AIP elimination phase.

Troubleshoot potential pitfalls with re-introductions you've already done.

Temporarily remove those foods that may be causing you issues still.

Listen to what your body is telling you about these foods.

Easily incorporate simple lifestyle upgrades that are the missing key with most people on the AIP. 

Having someone to hold my hand and encourage me during my AIP reset was just what I needed. I appreciate the recipes and grocery lists, and reading the answers to everyone’s questions was so helpful.
I learned more about the nutrition and lifestyle tips which was very motivating. I am feeling so much better!

You're probably thinking…

“I don’t know if I’ll have access right now to those ‘fancy’ ingredients on the AIP...what if I can’t cook what’s in the meal plans?”

“Is my family going to approve? What if I end up having to make double meals because they are picky eaters?”

“I’m overwhelmed just thinking about what I need to do to get back on the AIP bandwagon.”

“A global pandemic is not the time to start a healthy diet.”

If any of these resonate with you, you’re holding yourself back.

No matter where you’re starting from, you have everything to gain from this program, especially because you won’t be doing it alone.

I’ll be with you the entire way making sure that you’re staying on track, giving alternatives to any foods that are unavailable to you at the moment, and helping you keep your #1 focus in mind: your health!

Invest in yourself today and you'll be able to:

Successfully complete the 30 days while staying on track, connecting with other autoimmune warriors and feeling better than ever!

Make the AIP simple, delicious and doable so that you can stick with it, get rid of lingering symptoms, and achieve your autoimmune goals.

Re-customize your personalized AIP template and properly prepare for Re-introductions and the AIP Maintenance Phase.

Hi there! I'm Meagen. Educator, Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant, and Coach.

When I first did the AIP 6 years ago, I was very familiar with dieting. In fact I am pretty sure I have tried almost every diet program out there (Atkins, Weight Watchers, Slim Fast, The Biggest Loser, NutriSystem). You name it I have tried it.

So the idea of a diet with yes and no food lists didn’t seem that daunting to me...let’s just say I had no idea what I was in for because the AIP is so much more than just yes and no food lists.

I really struggled when I started because no one I knew had ever even heard of the AIP (hello isolation) and the amount of time I spent on making grocery lists and meal planning and prepping was excessive and exhausting. I was flaring so bad before I started that I would spend my day teaching and planning and then fall asleep on the couch by 7 PM.

So you can imagine how I felt when I started adding in hitting up Pinterest for AIP recipes and then double checking the list of ingredients in the recipe and on all of the food items to ensure they were AIP compliant and then of course trying to locate the ingredients in my small rural town.

Needless to say I had no energy left to focus on any lifestyle pieces such as, mindset, sleep, movement, stress management and proper digestion. I also felt a lot of stress to be “AIP Perfect” in the early days. Suggestions like limiting fruit and eating organ meat all the time and consuming organic produce or eating 8-12 servings of vegetables started to really weigh on me. I knew I couldn’t continue on this way so I had to find a way to make AIP my own, to make it “Meagen Friendly.” In simple terms I needed to make it realistic, simplistic and attainable.

After my success with my own version of the AIP I started creating AIP recipes that made people feel good while studying to become a Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant from the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition. During my program I was able to work with dozens of clients one on one on their AIP journey using the Meagen Friendly version of the AIP.

I have now taken what I have learned in my holistic nutrition studies, my 6 years of AIP trial and error and my 5 years of recipe creating and put it into this system that I am delivering to you in this Back to Basics Group Coaching Program.

When you follow my 30 Day Back to Basics AIP Group Coaching Program, three things will happen:

First, you are going to feel better than you ever have! Less brain fog, less fatigue, less weight, less worries, less inflammation in general.

Second, you are going to be in tune with your body so you are ready to successfully begin reintroductions so you can further customize your personal AIP template.

Third, you will be able to take what you have learned in this program and apply it to all your future AIP resets and the AIP maintenance phase.

Remember: You can do anything for 30 days, especially with me as your coach every step of the way!

Do it! It is such wonderful support from Meagen and the others in the group. Also being partnered up with someone specifically really helped me for accountability, encouragement, and support in all areas of life, which definitely positively impacted me!
Having a shopping list, meal plans and recipes all laid out was incredible! This masterclass was such a gift and has successfully started me on the path of eating AIP and living the AIP lifestyle. 


Ask yourself these questions:

Feeling stuck in a rut with your same go-to recipes?

Struggling with following the AIP in a time efficient way, especially when your family isn’t doing AIP?

Failing at AIP several times when doing it alone?

New to AIP and feeling overwhelmed with all of the information out there about the AIP?

Not sure where to start or don’t want to tackle it alone?

Need someone to condense all that information for you and explain it in a way that makes sense?

Need to do an AIP reset?

Having trouble getting back on track and sticking with it?

Feeling frustrated and short on time?

Feeling depressed, overwhelmed or scared?

Feeling like a failure because every time you started you felt like it was too hard or there were too many restrictions?

Feeling stuck and don’t know how to make a change?

Feeling intimidated with making such a big lifestyle change?

If you answered yes to any of these questions,



Four weekly PRINTABLE in-depth guides covering the AIP lifestyle-enhancing topic of the week!

Four weekly PRINTABLE meal plans that help you MAXIMIZE your time spent in the kitchen....with ONLY TWO cooking days per week!

A PRINTABLE grocery list for each week so you know exactly what to get, how much of it, and how to use any leftovers!

A PRINTABLE food and lifestyle journal to help you stay on top of your symptoms, emotions, and to stay accountable and pro-active!

Four weekly live sessions with me, your coach in the private Facebook group!

Replays of the calls in case you can't make the lives or you want to re-watch the sessions!

Lifetime access to the private Facebook group where you will connect with other Back-to-Basics alumni and learn from their experiences!

The ability to minimize food waste and reserve your energy by taking advantage of batch-cooking!

My best tips and tricks for maximizing the quality of your life with autoimmune disease that are surefire methods to keeping flares at bay!

Meagen Ashley

 BONUS #1!


Your free download: AIP Reintroduction Guide comes with my top success methods for reintroducing foods on the AIP after the elimination phase.

Includes a helpful printable symptom tracker journal to stay on top of your symptoms and reintro wins.



40 delicious recipes organized into a beautiful, downloadable resource, with 14 exclusive recipes, and 4 special recipes never before published on the blog,

A Printable AIP Pantry Stockables List

A Printable AIP Shopping List

A Printable Guide: Managing Non-AIP Gatherings

A Printable Guide: What is the AIP?

Printable Menu Ideas for Special Occasions

PLUS every recipe page is in an easy-to-print resolution that helps reserve printer ink….making it frugal and efficient to print out your own hard copy of AIP Gatherings to keep!

Laptop, Pineapple, Grapefruit, and Asparagus Images by @deckedoutwellness