Hello! Welcome to IT’S ALL ABOUT AIP.
I am happy you stopped by!

If you are asking yourself what AIP stands for at this moment, then you likely stumbled onto this blog by accident. That being said, I am going to assume that most of you found this blog as you searched for recipes and/or information about the Autoimmune protocol (AIP).
Whether you are just beginning your AIP journey, thinking about starting it, or are already well on your way, I hope you will find this blog helpful in some way. At the very least, you have found a fellow AIPer to chat with!
I feel as if I have been on a health journey, for as long as I can remember. I have been overweight most of my life and have suffered from eczema and HS since puberty as well as adult acne. I have pretty much tried every diet, exercise regime and prescription lotion/cream out there. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s in 2019 although I have had symptoms since my early twenties despite my TSH being in range.
In January of 2014, I stumbled across Tara Grant’s blog and book, “The Hidden Plague”. Everything clicked after I stayed up all night reading her book. I can’t explain it, but somehow I knew that after 15 years of searching, I had finally found what I was looking for: A way to heal my body from the inside out.
After mentally preparing myself, cleaning out my pantry, and eating most likely my last bite of traditional red velvet cheesecake ever, I started my journey on the Autoimmune protocol on March 15th, 2014. Throughout that journey I learned I had SIBO and a parasite (both underlying conditions) that were negatively impacting my ability to heal. Through lots of trial and error I was able to erradicate both and start to reintroduce many foods I had greatly missed.
While on my healing journey, I found a new passion for healthy living and nutrition. So in June of 2016, I decided to enroll as a student at the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition, studying to become a Holistic Nutritionist. I wanted to be able to advocate for myself and understand how food and lifestyle factors were influencing my autoimmune diseases and ultimately my quaility of life.
From 2016-2022 my health was at the absolute best it had ever been. I had tons of energy, my HS was in remission and my thyroid antibodies were as low as they had ever been. Over the past year and a half I went through some major life changes in my personal life and also in my career as an educator. The stress from those changes caught up with me and my Hashimoto’s has flared causing low energy, hormone imbalances and weight gain. The AIP healed me all those years ago and I know it can heal me again. I am once again returning to the foundations of the AIP lifestyle to help me regain the quality of life I know is out there.
So just know that wherever you are on your journey, I have been there too. If you can relate to my story in any way, I am here to help you however I can. I am no expert and I am still very much on my own healing journey, but I would love to help you begin or continue on your health journey. We can troubleshoot together!
So say good bye to your cheesecake equivalent and say hello to your new life and the new you! We’ve got this!